Declaration regarding protection of personal data:

At People Executive we are data controllers of the information we collect about you. We ensure that your personal data is processed lawfully throughout the recruitment process. This means that People Executive is responsible for the personal information that we collect and therefore we are required by law to ensure that policies, processes, systems, and procedures are in place to protect this information and respect the rights of data subjects.

This privacy policy describes the types of personal information we collect about you as an individual, how and why we collect, for what purposes and how long it is retained. You can also read more about your rights in relation to your personal data here.

In accordance with applicable national and European law, People Executive does not wish to receive sensitive personal data from candidates and therefore strongly encourages candidates not to share sensitive personal data with us.

Please read this policy carefully. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

1 Collection of information

People Executive ApS collects and uses personal data in the following situations:

A. On candidates
B. In sales and marketing to potential clients
C. On deliveries to customers
D. When visiting our website
E. By subscribing to our newsletter/job agent

2 Contact information

People Executive ApS
Skæringvej 88
8520 Lystrup
Company reg. no.: 40303642
Tel.: +45 3124 1962

3 Purpose and lawfulness of processing

A. Candidates: when we collect personal data on candidates, we do so for the purpose of assessing whether the professional and personal competences of the person in question match the vacant position with the client. The processing of this data is based on Article 6(1) of the Data Protection Regulation: Consent (point a)

B. Sales and marketing: when we collect personal data from potential customers, we do so for the purpose of running and securing our business by increasing our sales. The processing of this data is based on Article 6(1) of the GDPR: Consent (point a) & Legitimate interest (point f)

C. Customers: When we collect personal data from customers, we do so for the purpose of providing our services to the customer and ensuring the quality of the work performed. The processing of this data is based on Article 6(1) of the Data Protection Regulation, 1: Performance of contract (point b)

D. Website visits: when we collect personal data during visits to our website, we do so for the purpose of collecting information that can be used to sell our services based on the interest shown during the visit to our website. The processing of this data is based on Article 6(1) of the Data Protection Regulation: consent (point a)

E. Registration for our job agent: the processing of this data is based on     Article 6(1) of the Data Protection Regulation: Consent (point a)

4 Categories of personal data

a) Candidates' personal data include general personal data (including name, email address, telephone number), information on current and previous employment, education, etc. (CV data). It may also include salary information, references and information obtained through personality- and skills tests. No information is kept without the candidate's consent.

b) In the case of deliveries to clients, we collect general personal data relating to the client (contact details, payment details, etc.).

c) When visiting our website, we collect personal data via cookies. See point 5 for further description.

d) When registering for a job agent, we collect general contact information, including name and e-mail.

e) In the context of personnel administration, general personal data is collected for the fulfilment of an employment relationship.

5 Cookies

We use personal data about visitors' movements on our website to improve our services. This is done by transferring cookies to your computer. This is done to create the best possible product for you as a visitor.

5.1 What are cookies

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer or mobile phone when you visit a website. The cookie enables the website to remember what you have done and what choices you have made for login, language, and other customizations. Your activities are stored for a period of time, so we can make sure you don't have to make the same adjustments each time you visit the site.

5.2 How do we use cookies?

Cookies from our website are used to: collect statistical data for visits to our website (Google Analytics). We do not use this data to identify you. Our cookies are not used for purposes other than those listed on this page.

5.3 How can you control our cookies?

You can check the cookies stored on your computer and delete them if you wish. You can delete all cookies on your computer, and you can further set most browsers to block cookies. If you choose to block cookies, please be aware that you will need to manually adjust your settings each time you visit a website and that some services may not work.

6 Recipients of personal data

We disclose personal data to public authorities if we are obliged to do so. At the same time, we also disclose personal data on a small scale to external advisors (e.g. auditors). External advisors are subject to a duty of confidentiality prior to disclosure. Finally, we transfer personal data to our data processors and sub-processors.

6.1 Transfers to recipients in third countries

We do not transfer personal data to parties in third countries. Exceptions to this are situations where the advertised position and/or our customer is located in a third country. In the event of a transfer to a third country, the candidate will be informed, including the basis for the transfer.

7 Where does personal data come from?

Personal data originates from candidates, potential clients, customers, from visitors to our website and from job agent registrations.

8 Storage of personal data

In general, we do not keep personal data for a longer period than necessary for the purposes for which the personal data was collected and used.

8.1 Candidates

We retain personal data about candidates for as long as there is consent, up to a maximum of 12 months.

8.2 Customers

We retain personal data about customers for as long as the contractual relationship exists. We keep some of the data for five years after the contractual relationship has ended.

8.3 Website

Personal data collected from our website is retained for as long as we have a valid consent in accordance with the Cookie Policy.

8.4 Job Agent

Personal data collected for the job agent, we keep as long as we have a valid consent.

9 Rights of the data subject

9.1 Automated decisions, including profiling

We do not use any form of profiling on our collected data.

9.2 Consent

If the basis for our processing of your personal data is consent, you can withdraw your consent, after which we will delete all our data.

9.3 Right of access

You have the right at any time to know what data we process about you, where it comes from and what we use it for. You can also find out how long we keep your personal data and who receives data about you.

9.4 Rectification

If you believe that the personal data, we are processing about you, are inaccurate, you have the right to rectification. Contact us and state where the data is inaccurate and how you want them rectified. When you ask us to rectify or erase your personal data, we will investigate if the requirements are met. In such case, we will rectify or erase your personal data as soon as possible.

9.5 Right to object

You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data. Please use the contact information above to submit your objection. In case your objection is legitimate, we will cease processing of your personal data.

9.6 Data portability

Under certain circumstances you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance.

10 Lodge a complaint with Datatilsynet

Borgergade 28, 5
1300 København K
Tel.: +45 3319 3200

For more information go to: 

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