Let's talk people

Kestria, the world's largest executive search alliance

We are Kestria, the world's largest executive search alliance.


Vi tilbyder Board Search, Executive Search samt leder-, mellemleder- og specialistansættelser. Vi har erfaring og netværk til at finde det talent, du ikke kan. Vi forstår dit rekrutteringsbehov, og vi sørger for, at du kommer i mål med den rigtige kandidat til jobbet – og at jobbet er det rigtige for kandidaten. Hos os tæller erfaring, og vi forstår at drive en effektiv rekrutteringsproces.

Skal vi hjælpe dig?


Vil du være helt sikker i valget af din kommende leder? Er dit lederteam sammensat korrekt og har lederteamet, hvad der skal til for at blive et 'high-performing' team? Vi gør det nemt for dig at træffe det rigtige valg hver gang qua vores erfaring og assessment værktøjer.

Jeg vil vide mere!


Karriererådgivning er til dig, der vil eller skal noget andet. Har du brug for inspiration til at styrke dine færdigheder og til at opnå succes? Du kan selv aktivt være søgende eller også er du blevet opsagt. Vi guider, udfordrer og hjælper dig godt videre.

Tør du udfordres?

Vi er nysgerrige på at lære din virksomhed at kende!

Vi er altid klar på en god dialog om, hvordan vi kan understøtte din virksomhed til endnu bedre forretningsresultater via optimale ansættelser. Vi ved, at din virksomhed ikke er som alle andre, og derfor er rekruttering heller aldrig et standardprodukt – i hvert fald ikke for os!

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We are Kestria

Blogs & Insights

AI ethics, regulation and business growth

The technology sector is increasingly focused on artificial intelligence (AI) and the ethics of its use. AI has become one of the most transformative developments, impacting the future of business, living, and how things are done. Machines are now learning on their own, without regular human input, leading to accelerated efficiency, effectiveness, and cost reduction, thanks to AI. However, governments are concerned about AI; while it offers tremendous benefits if used correctly, it also poses significant risks if misused.

Unleashing the power of experience: Why hiring talent over 50 wins

As the demographics of the workforce shift, the proportion of older workers available and willing to work has increased. Traditional hiring practices often favor younger talent, driven by misconceptions about the capabilities and expectations of older workers. This overlooks a crucial asset seasoned professionals bring to the table.

Strengthening your board for success in a volatile world

The dynamics of corporate boardrooms are increasingly recognized as pivotal to the success or failure of organizations worldwide. As such, the composition of these boards and the challenges they face have never been more critical. This perspective emphasizes the importance of adopting strategic recruitment practices for board members, comparable to the rigorous standards applied in executive recruitment, to ensure a vibrant, effective and forward-thinking governance team.